Change Your Benefits

Typically, you can only enroll for benefits during Annual Enrollment, however sometimes things change. In certain situations, you can change your enrollment selections during the middle of the year. You must take action within 31 days of your change. Learn what a qualified change in family status is and how to make the change.

What is a qualified change in family status?

There are some important details to know about each qualified family status change. An important first step is to know the “event date” for your change. You must take action within 31 days of your event date. And, you’ll need to gather important documents to verify your change.

Click on the qualified changes in family status below for more details on what documents you’ll need:

Birth or adoption of a child
  • Event date: dependent’s date of birth, or the placement date
  • You’ll need: the birth certificate or proof of live birth listing the associate or spouse as a parent; or the adoption certificate showing the placement date
Death of a dependent
  • Event date: date of dependent’s death
  • You’ll need: the death certificate
Dependent Care FSA change
  • Event date: date that contributions will change
  • You’ll need: a short comment explaining the need to change your contributions
Divorce or legal separation
  • Event date: date of the divorce or legal separation
  • You’ll need: the certified divorce decree or certified legal separation document
Gain or loss of other coverage
  • Event date for gaining other coverage: the date that OhioHealth coverage should end
  • Event date for losing other coverage: the date the other coverage will end
  • You’ll need: a letter from the other employer or insurance plan showing the effective date of new coverage or ending date of previous coverage
  • Event date: marriage date
  • You’ll need: the marriage certificate showing the date of marriage
Gaining or losing Medicaid coverage
  • Event date for gaining Medicaid coverage: the date that OhioHealth coverage should end
  • Event date for losing Medicaid coverage: the date that other coverage will end
  • You’ll need: the Medicaid letter showing the Medicaid coverage effective or ending date

How to change your benefits in Workday

Before you go to Workday, be sure you’ve collected the appropriate documents (as described above) for your family status change. When you’re ready to get started, here’s how to make changes. Or, click here for step-by-step visual instructions.

  1. Go to Workday and log in with your assigned OPID and password.
  2. Select the Benefits & Pay application from the menu on the left.
  3. Click Change Benefits under the Tasks and Reports heading.
  4. Select your Change Reason, enter your Benefit Event Date and follow the instructions on the right side of the page.
  5. Upload the required documentation and click Submit.
  6. You’ll see a pop-up for Change Benefit Elections. Click Open.
  7. Click Let’s Get Started.
  8. From there, Workday will walk you through various steps to enroll in benefits. Be sure you complete all these phases:
    • Healthcare and adding dependents
    • Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
    • Voluntary Insurance
    • Additional Benefits (Opt-in to Wellness)
  9. Once you’ve selected all the benefits you want, Workday will prompt you to review your Selected and Waived Benefits. On this screen, you’ll also upload your dependent verification documents (if required) under Attachments. Acceptable dependent verification documents are:
    • If covering a Spouse – marriage certificate, or current federal income tax return
    • If covering a Child – birth certificate or proof of birth listing you as the parent, adoption certificate, or proof of legal custody
  10. If everything looks correct, click Submit.

After you complete the process, you have the option to View Benefits Statement. Save this document for your records.